2024-2025 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Management, B.S.

A minor is not required with this major.

School of Business Admission Requirements


Students in the management major must complete the 27-credit common business core requirements and 30 credits of management major requirements:

Common Business Core (27 Credits)

AC 211Introduction to Financial Accounting


AC 212Introduction to Managerial Accounting


FIN 295Managerial Finance


LAW 250The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business


MC 207Managerial Communication I


MGT 295Fundamentals of Management and Organizational Behavior


MIS 201Introduction to Management Information Systems


MKT 295Fundamentals of Marketing


BUS 480Capstone Seminar


MGT 480Strategic Management


Additional Requirements (6 Credits)

BUS 250Introduction to Business Analytics and Skills


STAT 201Business Statistics II


The management major includes four options:

  • Management major with a concentration in General Management
  • Management major with a concentration in Human Resource Management
  • Management major with a concentration in Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Management major with a concentration in International Business (suspend concentration for 3 years)

Management majors select one of the four aforementioned options and complete requirements specified for the selected option.

Management Common Core (9 Credits)

MGT 305Human Resource Management


MGT 326Business Organizational Behavior


MGT 333Operations Management


Management Major with a Concentration in General Management:

General Management Concentration Core:

MGT 321International Management


MGT 330/ENT 330Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation


MGT 345Organizational Analysis & Change Management


MGT 403Ethical and Social Issues for the Manager


Business Electives:

Students must select 9 credits of 300- or 400-level School of Business courses in consultation with a Department of Management faculty advisor. These 9 credits are selected from courses in AC, ENT, FIN, LAW, MGT, MIS, and MKT courses. These courses are completed after satisfying all course prerequisites for each course.

Management Major with a Concentration in Human Resource Management:

For students interested in preparing for careers in human resource management or personnel administration in a variety of business and non-business settings.

All students who choose the human resource concentration may take courses only after meeting with a Department of Management faculty advisor and adopting a planned program.

Human Resource Management Concentration Core:

MGT 345Organizational Analysis & Change Management


MGT 425Labor/Management Relations


MGT 431Compensation and Benefits


MGT 432Human Resource Development and Training


MGT 460Staffing


Business Electives:

Students must select 6 credits of 300- or 400-level School of Business courses in consultation with a Department of Management faculty advisor. These 6 credits are selected from AC, ENT, FIN, LAW, MGT, MIS, and MKT courses. Courses are completed after satisfying all course prerequisites for each course.

Management Major with a Concentration in Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship:

Prepares students for entrepreneurial careers in new venture creation, managing family-owned or other small business enterprises, or working in an entrepreneurial capacity (product development, business development, cross-discipline leadership, etc.) for existing firms. This concentration provides a basic foundation in the knowledge necessary to search for and evaluate new venture opportunities, and to finance, operate, and manage new or growing businesses. Students are required to complete a field study experience.

Students must complete the School of Business 27-credit common business core plus the following 30 credits. Students should meet with a faculty advisor before declaring a Concentration or Minor in Entrepreneurship.

Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship Concentration Core:

ENT 330/MGT 330Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation


ENT 350/MGT 350Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures


ENT 355/MGT 355Managing a Growing Business


ENT 475New Venture Challenge: Lean Launch Methodology


ENT 499Field Study in Entrepreneurship


Business Electives:

Students must complete 6 credits of 300- or 400-level courses offered by the School of Business courses, to be determined in consultation with a Department of Management faculty advisor. These courses are selected from AC, ENT, FIN, LAW, MGT, MIS, and MKT courses.

Management Major with a Concentration in International Business:

Concentration is suspended for 3 years

The Management Major with a Concentration in International Business prepares its graduates for advanced graduate study and for entry-level positions in global and international business enterprises. The program provides students with a broad general education which includes language, culture and international courses and, at the same time, provides students with a core of international business courses and selected concentrations in the functional business areas. Students will be provided with study abroad opportunities.

Students are required to take the general education requirements, free elective requirements, and the business core requirements as all management majors. In addition, the students are required to complete:

Required core courses:

MGT 321International Management


MKT 321International Marketing


FIN 330International Finance


MGT 495Seminar in International Business


ECON 430International Economics



ECON 435Economic Development



MGT 395Field Studies in International Business


Functional Specialization:

Three courses (9 credits) from one of five functional specialization areas:


AC 300Intermediate Accounting I


AC 301Cost Management Systems


AC 312Intermediate Accounting II



AC 300 plus two additional courses selected after consulting a faculty advisor in accounting


FIN 301Intermediate Managerial Finance


FIN 310Principles of Investments


FIN 320Financial Markets and Institutions


Management Information Systems:

MIS 305E-Business


MIS 315Database Management Systems


MIS 361Systems Analysis and Design for Business



MIS 400Business Analytics and Decision Support



MKT 305Consumer Behavior


MKT 373Marketing Research


and any other MKT electives (3 cr)



(From recommended. not required, lists)

Business electives:

Two courses from among upper-division Business School courses, or, with Management Department advisor's approval, I-designated courses.

Accelerate Central Management BS to MBA


Students typically apply during their junior year of study and must meet the requirements specified below:  

1.     Have at least a 3.3 cumulative grade point average. 

2.     Completed 60 earned credit hours by the end of the Fall semester of their junior year. At least 30 credits must have been earned at CCSU. 

3.     Admission to School of Business Management major. 

4.     Meet the M.B.A. program admission criteria. 


Eligible students can apply for admission to the Accelerate Central B.S. Management/ M.B.A. Program during their junior year of study. Selected students may be able to complete a B.S. in Management and a M.B.A. in as few as five years on a full-time basis.

For students who are officially admitted to the Accelerate Central B.S. Management / M.B.A. Program, two three (3)-credit graduate Management courses will replace two three (3)-credit undergraduate Management courses. In addition, up to two three (3)-credit graduate courses may be taken before matriculation as a graduate student; these 2 courses will be excluded from the student’s B.S. program and transferred into the student’s M.B.A. program.


Students who are accepted into Accelerate Central B.S. Management / M.B.A. Program will officially matriculate into the School of Graduate Studies the semester immediately following conferral of their Bachelor's degree, even if they have already taken graduate-level courses while completing their Bachelor's degree. Students wishing to defer their graduate studies must notify Graduate Recruitment & Admissions of this decision prior to the start of the term following the conferral of their Bachelor's degree.


How to Apply

Students will submit Change of Major form, a current resume, and one recommendation letter from a CCSU Management professor to their undergraduate advisor by March 1st of their junior year. The documents will go through the proper parties for review and approval, including the Graduate Program Director. Once the form has been approved by all required parties, the Registrar’s Office will change the student’s undergraduate curriculum to note the Accelerate Central program.   

It is highly recommended to apply early for admission to this program to receive dedicated advising. 

Total Credit Hours: 30