2022-2023 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

"Link" Course

A "link" course is a graduate course which may share lectures with a specific advanced undergraduate (400-level) course on the same topic. These courses may be electives. Each of these courses will have different numbers, titles, syllabi, and requirements. Undergraduate link courses must not have graduate credit.

500-599 Graduate courses; prior to enrollment, undergraduates who possess a 3.00 GPA or better and have completed 90 credits of study, may request registration by using the Enrollment in 500-level graduate course form which requires approval from the undergraduate advisor, course instructor, chair of the department offering the course and the dean of the School of Graduate Studies.  Preferential admissions will be granted to graduate students.

600-699 Graduate courses open only to master's, sixth-year, and doctoral students.

700-799 Graduate courses open only to doctoral students