2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Athletic Training

The following are departmental requirements for admission to the professional program in athletic training. Acceptance to the professional program is typically completed by the second semester sophomore year.
  • Completion of application to the professional program for athletic training;
  • Successful completion of 200 observation hours in the clinical aspect of athletic training at CCSU;
  • Completion of 45 credits of academic work at CCSU as an athletic training major;
  • Successful completion of EXS 112, EXS 207, EXS 211, and EXS 217 (at CCSU), with a grade of C- or better in all courses;
  • Successful completion of BMS 380, or EMT-B certification;
  • University GPA of 2.50;
  • Departmental GPA of 2.50;
  • Two letters of recommendation (from persons who can best assess the candidate's potential);
  • The presentation of an essay demonstrating command of the English language, citing reasons for wanting to enroll in the program, and emphasizing experiences related to athletic training (500-750 words); and
  • An interview with the personnel committee of the Department of Physical Education and Human Performance, including at least one clinical supervisor.

Once admitted to the professional program in Athletic Training, the following requirements must be maintained in order to remain in good standing within the athletic training education program.

  • a grade of C or higher in all professional program courses;
  • a University GPA of 2.50
  • a departmental GPA of 2.50
  • Successful demonstration of required clinical skill competencies; and
  • a current state of Connecticut or National Registry EMT-B Certification.

If a candidate drops below the required GPA levels and/or fails to complete the clinical skill competencies, he or she may be denied enrollment to professional program courses, practicum courses, and internship assignments until the GPA or competencies reach the appropriate level.

For more information regarding application process, please consult the Athletic Training website.