2023-2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

EDEC 206 Fieldwork in Early Childhood & Infant Toddler Mental Health

Field placements provide candidates with access to infants, toddlers, and preschool children, and families in a variety of early childhood settings. Fieldwork experiences are structured and supervised and include observations and onsite experiences.  Fieldwork experiences are designed for students to apply knowledge and build early childhood and Infant/Toddler Mental Health competencies while gaining real life experiences. The program oversees field placements in collaboration with school and community partners and early childhood faculty. A total of 60 fieldwork hours is required in this course. NOTE: Candidate must pass the fieldwork requirements in order to pass the course.  In accordance with CT law, districts may require criminal background and/or DCF child abuse and neglect registry checks to participate in the field experiences in this class.  Students are required to follow the background check policies of the district in which they are placed and are responsible for all associated fees.  CCSU is not responsible for district policies.  




EDEC 103 and EDEC 105, or by permission of program coordinator


  • Spring