2022-2023 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

RJ 200 Studies in Racial Justice

This course will introduce students to core concepts, theories, and issues related to race and racial justice in the United States.  The course emphasizes racial injustice as a systemic phenomenon that simultaneously privileges and oppresses, and which pervades all aspects of society. Students will examine the historical and social construction of race and racial identities; and will be introduced to key concepts such as white privilege, white supremacy, racial oppression, and intersectionality. The course will also discuss contemporary issues of racial injustice, such as those involved in policing and mass incarceration; and the role that cultural representation plays in perpetuating racial injustices. Moreover, students will be introduced to valuable strategies and tools with which they can engage in anti-racist advocacy.





General Education

  • Study Area II

  • Course meets Equity, Justice, and Inclusion Requirement


  • Irregular