2020-2021 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

EDEC 201 Language & Literacy for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschool Children

This course provides critical understandings central to language and literacy development, birth through five. Emphasis is placed on analysis of different theoretical views on the connections between language and culture; application of scientifically-based research and best practices aligned with the Common Core State Standards to language and literacy instruction for infants, toddlers and preschool children. Topics include language development, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency for English and non-English first language speakers and children with exceptionalities. 




Declared major in Early Childhood Studies and Infant/ Toddler Mental Health program


Must be taken with class='sc-courselink' href='/en/2020-2021/undergraduate-graduate-catalog/all-courses/edec-education-early-childhood/100/edec-102'>EDEC 102 or EDEC 104 or EDEC 203 or EDEC 206

General Education


  • Summer
  • Fall and Spring